Aug 19, 2021 | art materials, Tips for Artists, Tips Tricks and Art Hacks
Yellow Ochre On Your Palette The ochre family of paints is a well-loved addition to any artist’s palette today but turn the clock back long ago before these colors were milled and mixed and forced into tubes as paint. Yellow and red ochres are abundant in...
Mar 5, 2021 | Art History
Detail from “In the Afternoon,” 1891 John Peter Russell The Lost Impressionist Moving in the Impressionist’s Circles It was while taking painting classes in Montmartre, Paris in 1886 that he was classmates with Émile Bernard, Toulouse-Lautrec and...
Apr 17, 2020 | art materials, art retreat, painting holiday, painting workshop, Provence, Tips for Artists, Tips Tricks and Art Hacks
Hands in the Lascaux Caves of France. Venetian Red (ferric oxide) has been used in painting, from prehistoric to modern art. Like many colors used on the palettes of today’s artists, Venetian Red has a fascinating and dramatic backstory. In addition to its place in...
Feb 23, 2019 | art materials, Art News, painting holiday, travel, Workshop News
The Unusual Origin. Indian yellow is a strong transparent pigment favored by many artists for its tinting properties. This yellow-orange color’s most alluring characteristic is that it can be used to warm up a color. Added to pink it makes that color turn red. Added...